Church @ The Fair Our service will be offsite at the New Hamburg Arena on Sunday September 15th @ 9:30am Learn More

Week of Prayer

Join us for a week of prayer as we press-in on our calling to proclaim the Good News.

Let them hear.

September 8 - September 14

The purpose of this week is to focus the collective church body in prayer as we press-in on our calling to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to those around us, and to all the world. The theme for this week is coming from Mark 4:9, when Jesus says "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." We are praying this week, collectively as the church, to have the courage to go, the guidance of the Holy Spirit who empowers, and the words to speak in due season. We are praying that as we ask our community, “Have You Heard?”, they will indeed hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Awaken Night

We will be kicking off our Week of Prayer with an Awaken Night. Join us for worship and prayer Sunday September 8th at 6:30pm. This will be a wonderful evening to set our focus on Christ Jesus together, as we press in throughout the week ahead.

This Is The Gospel | ELEVATION RHYTHM & Joe L Barnes

Daily Devotionals

We are providing a printed devotional book with daily meditations and prayer points for the week. We invite you to pick up a copy on Sunday morning and follow along with us throughout the Week of Prayer. If you are not able to grab a hard copy in-person, you can click the button below to download a .pdf version of the devotional.

Commissioning Service

On Wednesday September 11th at 6:30pm we will be hosting a service to pray for everyone‘s ministry out in the world. Commissioning services are a common tradition in churches. They are a way to publicly recognize people’s ministries. It can sometimes be tempting to think that 'ministry' is reserved for those who work in a church building, or those whose occupation is full-time missions work. But we need to emphasize that the whole body of Christ is called to 'ministry.' We are all called, gifted, and sent to serve Christ in the world. We all need to keep on learning how to minister on our frontlines – the ordinary places where we meet those who don’t follow Jesus: our jobs, families, neighbourhoods, and hobbies – in all the tasks and relationships God has given us. Commissioning, therefore, is a way of recognizing a person's ministry, praying for them, and sending them out to walk in the calling that God has given them. So we invite all those who are stepping-out, maybe for the first time, to share the gospel with those in their lives. We want to pray with you and commission you for the good work God has called you to do.

We will also take time to pray for all our Global and Local Mission Partners who are ministering all around the world, believing that God will protect them, guide them, and multiply their fruitfulness wherever they are serving.

Prayer Request

As always, if you have a prayer request you’d like to share with the Prayer Team, you can feel free to submit this at any time by clicking the button below.