Service Times Sundays at 9 & 11 AM
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Wilmot Seniors

A monthly boost of encouragement and community.

Join us the second Wednesday of each month for our online and in-person Seniors program!

The purpose of the seniors' ministry here at Wilmot Centre is to help people follow Jesus. We fulfill this by:

  • Providing activities, outings and functions that draw seniors from the church and community in an atmosphere where they can hear the gospel

  • Providing opportunities to show love and support to seniors from the church and community

  • Providing opportunities for seniors to serve others with gifts and abilities that God has given them.

Our goal is to minister to the body, soul and spirit. We want to help people follow Jesus. We want people to know that they don't have to do that on their own. We meet once a month for a dessert and program to provide opportunity for all Seniors to experience encouragement and community.

These programs are held on the second Wednesday of each month (except July and August and December). The program features various guest speakers, special music, and always great dessert and coffee. Our facility is wheelchair accessible. The dessert is free, but we provide an opportunity for people to give a free-will offering. People enjoy the spiritual emphasis, and there is always a laugh or two. Visitors are always welcome!

The program time is livestreamed on our church YouTube channel each week for those who cannot make it to the church building.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming Events

Click the link below for all the latest information on our Senior's Program events.

Past Seniors' Programs

While you wait for the next program date, enjoy this playlist of past programs on our YouTube Channel. Just click the button below!