Trained UP

This is your opportunity to get Trained UP as a follower of Jesus Christ!

Are you looking for opportunities to grow in your faith?

You're in the right place.

Our Trained UP nights are a time for us to hear from experienced teachers and leaders on specific topics that are relevant to our daily lives as followers of Jesus Christ. These evenings are for the whole family. We enjoy a dinner together, and then split into breakout groups. Kids will enjoy a fun program downstairs while adults enjoy connecting upstairs in their breakout groups.

Each Trained UP will feature two breakout group options for adults. This winter, our featured breakout groups will focus-in on parenting and sharing our faith.

Our next Trained UP nights will be taking place on:

February 25 @ 5:30pm


March 3 @ 5:30pm

There is a meal included for the whole family and a kids program available to provide parents with an opportunity to fully engage in their breakout group time.

Breakout Groups

Raising Disciples

Pastor Natalie Frisk

In Raising Disciples, Pastor Natalie Frisk helps us reconnect faith and parenting, equipping parents to model what following Jesus looks like in daily life. Filled with authenticity, flexibility, humor, and prayer, Frisk outlines how parents can make openings for their children to experience God in their daily lives. As a former pastor at a multisite church, and now director of curriculum for RaiseUpFaith, Frisk calls parents who follow Christ to ask the big questions about the spiritual formation of children and teens. In practical and thoughtful ways, she equips parents to disciple their kids in various stages of childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. Raising Disciples will awaken parents to the possibility of Jesus-centered parenting and encourage us to engage in the lost art of discipling our own kids.

Gospel Conversations

James Park

Jeremy Doorten

Sharing your faith can seem daunting and you often find yourself not knowing what to say when the opportunity to talk about Jesus arises with those in your life. Come take part in our Gospel Conversations breakout group where you will be given tools to share your story and share the Gospel in a simple way that leads to a conversation about Jesus. 

Sign Me Up!

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