Service Times Sundays at 9 & 11 AM

The Park Family

Waterloo, ON, Canada


We live in Waterloo Ontario and serve the Body of Christ globally through E3 Ministry Canada which stands for Equipping God's People, to Evangelize God's World, and Establish Multiplying Churches everywhere


E3 Canada is committed to making the Great Commission our first priority. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commanded us to go make disciples of all nations. Over the last 2 millennia, the Christian movement has spread to nearly every country on the planet, yet there are still ethnic people groups who have yet to hear the Gospel. Our vision is to finish the task of the Great Commission by the 2000th anniversary of the church, which is 2033. We will achieve this by gathering pastors, missionaries, ministry leaders, marketplace ministers from all over the world and equip them to be soul winners, disciple makers, and church planters. James' role is to cast vision among pastors' network groups on every continent of the planet and spark a renewal to mobilize the greatest missionary force to have ever run towards the Great Commission. Every believer! 


James and Allie, along with their kids Eden, Lydia, Ezra, and Junia, joined the WCC family in January of 2020. James joined the staff team by serving as the Pastor of Engage Ministries. Allie joined the staff team later in 2020 as the Director of Children's Ministry. 


James has been on the E3 Canada team since January of 2020, serving part-time while serving at WCC. In June of 2022, James followed the leading of the Holy Spirit to join E3 Canada full-time. 


Please consider subscribing to James' Ministry webpage at 

Follow James on Social Media to stay up to date on all the incredible ministry opportunities that the Lord opens up for him, and prayerfully consider coming on a trip in the future.

Should the Lord prompt you to partner on a financial level with James, send him a message and grab a coffee with him! The funds will go towards enabling James to reach the last remaining unreached people groups of the world.