Join a Wilmot Team

Here are some specific roles needed on our Wilmot Teams!

Plug into a Team!

As a church, we believe that serving on a Wilmot Team is a great way to feel connected and use your God-given giftings to build His kingdom. There is a spot for everyone! We want to help you find a place to connect, grow, and engage!

Here are some teams we would love you to consider joining.

Wilmot Kids Team

Wilmot Kids is a fun and exciting place to be! Our goal is to host a safe, inviting and engaging place for kids to grow in their relationship with God and each other. There are so many ways to serve in this team, whether you are comfortable leading, or prefer to serve in the background, there is a place for you on Sunday mornings, during the week, and special outreach initiatives.

Here are some Wilmot Kids Team positions that might interest you:

Wilmot Tech Team

Media production is all about using technology to help share the message of Jesus in a way that is clear, creative, professional, and thoughtful. We live in a world that is increasingly tech-driven, and this provides a unique opportunity for us to use technology to ensure the gospel of Jesus Christ is more accessible than ever before. Our Wilmot Tech Team works behind the scenes to support our worship services and life within the church, and facilitate our impact outside the church building.

Here are some Wilmot Tech Team positions that might interest you:

Wilmot Hospitality Team

Hospitality is all about creating an environment that is welcoming and comfortable for others. If you want to be part of a team that makes our times together that much better by preparing snacks and coffee, or greeting people with a smile, this could be the ministry for you.

Here are some Wilmot Hospitality Team positions that might interest you:

Wilmot Life Groups Team

Life is better together! Small groups provide opportunities for life connections, relationships, accountability, ministry opportunities, spiritual growth, and care. We see small groups as the primary place for our church family to connect, grow and to engage together.

Here are some Wilmot Life Group Team positions that might interest you:

Wilmot Next Gen Team

Next Generations ministries include JR Youth, SR Youth, and Young Adults. These are pivotal points in the lives of our young people, and we want to create meaningful spaces for them to connect personally and grow spiritually. Whether you enjoy participating in high-energy games, or connecting through meaningful conversations - there is a place for you to serve on this team!

Here are some Wilmot Next Gen Team positions that might interest you:

Wilmot Outreach Team

Our Wilmot Outreach Team needs people who are passionate about serving our local community and willing to put their enthusiasm into action! We are looking for team members who can build strategic relationships with Wilmot Township, and the region beyond, to better understand our local community and give their strength to planning and executing our outreach initiatives.

Here is a Wilmot Outreach Team position that might interest you:

Wilmot Worship Team

Worship is love responding to love. Our Wilmot Worship Team is passionate about creating engaging times of authentic worship, in which we lift our voices in thankfulness, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts and minds. Corporate worship through music is a central part of our gatherings, whether on Sunday mornings or throughout the week.

Here are some Wilmot Worship Team positions that might interest you:

Ready to Start?

If you are ready to join a team, let us know by clicking the button below and completing the volunteer form.